My tasks
My Tasks section allows you to see all tasks related to you, for all projects, in one place.
Available views
The following task views are available:
- Action Required - tasks that require an action from you.
- Assigned to me - all tasks assigned to you.
- All Involved in - all tasks you have been added to.
- Created by me - list of open tasks that were created by you.
- Someday - action required tasks scheduled to Someday.
- Pastdue - list of tasks assigned to you which are pastdue (task deadline) or behind planned dates (task start-end).

Basic functions
My Tasks views are based on the Task List view and come with all standard features including custom columns, group by options, bulk edit, sorting options, filters and more.

View For
Similarly to My Work, My Tasks section supports 'View for' functionality, that allows you to see other users' My Tasks views. Learn more.