Big Screens
Create complete transparency around your work, collaboration, and results, automatically.

GoodDay Big Screens module is a great tool to keep your team informed and motivated at all times, to create transparency and present the most important project and performance information to the entire team.
The Big Screens module allows you to display data and analytics important to your organization. With Big Screens, you can do that automatically, based on the data you already have in GoodDay, such as priority projects and their status, team task board, events calendar, etc. and display it in rotation on a large TV or any other device at the office.
How it works
Start by adding Big Screens devices to your GoodDay in multiple common office areas (e.g. Conference Room, Hallway, Main Office, Kitchen) to boost involvement, accountability, collaboration and productivity in your team.
Then, create and order the list of screens you would like to be displayed on each Big Screen device. For example, you may choose to display Events, Projects and Today tasks on the screen in your main office, and only display the Calendar and Priorities in the conference room.
You can customize each screen according to your needs: setup the display time, screen title and background color, select the Projects and Users you would like the displayed data to be linked to, and much more.
Keep in mind that GoodDay has over 30 types of screens displaying various data such as collaboration, time/effort, behavior, workload, updates, events, tasks and you can create an unlimited number of actual screens for your office devices.
Launch the created Big Screens on your devices (large TVs / monitors) using the authorization key and visualize any process flow and key data essential for your teams and other stakeholders.

Big Screen Examples
GoodDay comes with over 30 advanced screens representing various personal, project, department and organization-level reports, which can be used to display the required data according to your business needs and team workflows.
Here are just a few examples of the Big Screens:
Active Projects - keeps your team motivated and in the loop by displaying a list of all currently active projects, their status and number of tasks completed.

Priorities - keeps everyone informed about the important and urgent tasks by displaying the list of active tasks sorted by their priority level.

Events Calendar - displays the organization, project and other events planned for the previous, current and the following week.

Today’s Tasks - creates transparency for the entire team by displaying the number of Action Required tasks for each user for the current working day.

Please visit Help Center/ Big Screens for more information on working with Big Screens and types of screens available.