How To Access
To access your organization's administration page, go to Organization Settings and click the "Administration" button:

Account Administrator
Every organization has an Administrator who manages the organization's GoodDay account, its subscriptions, and advanced options.
Within each organization, only one user can have the Administrator role. By default, a user who created the organization becomes its Administrator. Administrator user cannot be deleted unless a new user is assigned as an Administrator.
Changing the Administrator User
Only the current Administrator user can assign a different user to this role. To do so, go to the Administration screen and select another user from the list. Please note that you can only select someone in the organization's Manager role to become a new Administrator. If you do not see a user in the list, upgrade that user's role to Manager within your organization.

Deleting an Organization
You have to be an Administrator user in order to have permissions to delete the organization. Proceed to Organization Settings → Administration page and click Delete organization.
On the next screen, type "Delete organization" into the input field to confirm and submit. Please remember that all data related to this organization will be destroyed with no option to recover.