Version 4.6.6

GoodDay Version 4.6.6

Oct 1, 2020

Upgraded Board View IMPROVEMENTS

All GoodDay Board views have been upgraded. The new version comes with many new features and improvements including:

Time Reports Export NEW

We have completely redesigned the Time Reports export feature to give you more flexibility (grouping, fields, etc.) and integrated it into Reports & Analytics module.

Improved Tasks Import from CSV IMPROVEMENTS

The improved CSV import module comes with column mapping and supports custom fields import.

You can choose to bulk import multiple tasks into a specific project or place the project mapping inside your CSV. Just drag and drop a file for import, select import fields, and review data mapping.

Calendar Colors & Display options NEW

We added color highlight options to the Calendar Views! Now, in the view settings, you can separately customize colors of events and tasks. This way, you can color-group the tasks from the same project or in the same status, and the additional “Highlight pastdue” option will help you quickly spot potential issues.